30 August 2009
29 August 2009
The Reason I Need Two Cameras
As an aside, are two Tesco Finest meal deals for dinner in as many days excessive? Good, I'm glad we've cleared that up.
Learn Something New Everyday
The papers I've used are all from the LSNED kit and the only things I added were the cardstock which all came from off cuts from the project pages and the tiny alphas from Making Memories. I also got a lot of use out of my Slice machine in order to make the best of the bits and pieces of cardstock and I still have lots left. These muted colours aren't what I would normally use but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out (and that I did it all from the sofa).
28 August 2009
Back to the Future
26 August 2009
The Countdown Has Begun
25 August 2009
Piracy is in My Blood
22 August 2009
Cerulean Blue
Thought I would share a few pictures of the objet trouve de plage from the bathroom window sill while I was washing them in a collander. I love the look of the pebbles when they're wet and the little plastic doll we found a a beach in Brittany mixed in there always make me smile.
21 August 2009
To Quote Dauntless II...
16 August 2009
One step forward....
Today it's gone from bad to worse as we had to rip the sitting room apart this morning when the strong suspicion developed that one of the cats had invited an unwelcome visitor into our humble abode. While there's nothing like the suggestion of a rat in the house to make one want to do cleaning, now everything is stacked up in random places and there's a big metal trap (humane) taking pride of place under the woodburner. Who'd live in the countryside?
However, the breadmaker is on and hopefully the smell of fresh baked bread will awaken the latent domestic godess in me. I really hope so because time is definitely running out.
14 August 2009
It's Almost Here
Sorry, came over a bit lyrical there but it was the first time I’d felt even slightly autumn-y this year (apart from that week a month or so back when I really wanted it to be Christmas) and so I wanted to make the most of the feeling.
I love autumn. I know lots of people don’t feel the same way, mourning the end of the summer and the nights drawing in but to me, autumn is the season of new coats and shoes, pencil cases and geometry sets, kicking around in the leaves and gathering conkers and chestnuts. Autumn means that we can get the thick comfy duvet back out and start scouring the hedgerows for bits of firewood. Autumn means that we can enjoy Devon’s beaches in the sunshine without queuing for hours to get there and autumn means that the good telly will start again and we can sit cosily in the sitting room with the fire blazing (assuming we find some wood) and the curtains shut tight.
I know it's nearly the end of summer but that means that autumn is almost here so I say smell it, embrace it and love it - I know I will.
12 August 2009
Of Beans and Birthdays

11 August 2009
On Standby
In 3 ½ weeks it will be my birthday and I have a party to prepare for. Although we’re planning to camp in the garden, this is Devon, it will rain and so we need to a have a very well developed Plan B which will involved similar activities (cocktails & board games) but on an indoor basis. That means the house needs to be presentable to visitors and right now, it so isn’t.
Unfortunately, this means that for the next few weeks we need to have a blitz on house and garden (just in case) tidying which will leave very little time for lying on the sofa watching old episodes of the X-Files and even less for covering the dining room with bits of paper and ribbon. In fact one of my first tasks will be clearing the dining room table and floor of the bits of paper and ribbon which are already strewn about the place (just as soon as I’ve made a birthday card for my dad).
I wouldn’t want anyone to think I was exaggerating, so this is what the house looks like now:

09 August 2009
07 August 2009
So in summary, a mixed bag of an evening.
Due to my compromised dexterity, no real progress has been made with Go To Press but I'm hoping to catch up on Sunday. I've got my printables on to patterned paper for Prompt 3 and I've ordered sticky back canvas (which looks fab) for Promt 5.

06 August 2009
A trip to the (slight League of Gentlement style) hospital in Tiverton ensued and I now have a very big bandange and can't wash my hands, face or hair. Tomorrow morning should be interesting - I predict an even more maverick hairstyle than usual.
05 August 2009
Music Makes Things Make Sense
The printables that came with the prompt are quite different in style to embelishments I would normally use and I couldn't find the right paper so the trusty bubblewrap and acrylic paint combination came out. I'm covered in blue paint now, but I think it was worth it!

04 August 2009
Go to Press

In the evening, we went to see Bill Bailey at the Theatre Royal which was really great, with the maddest ending ever. Also loving the merchandise - I now have a Bill Bailey kite. How did I ever live without that?