30 November 2009

Ups and Downs

Things have been a bit up and down here on Walton's Mountain lately and I'm starting to get slightly dizzy from all the changes in direction.  I think the lack of chocolate may be getting to me...(see point 5.)

Things I Want to Increase:

1. The length of my hair and nails - I'm taking these Holland and Barrett suplements called 'Skin Hair and Nails Formula' which are huge and taste discusting even when you wash them down with huge amounts of water.  One of these days I'm actually going to throw up on my keyboard so any recomendations for alternatives would be greatly received.

2. How much I understand Travel Demans Analysis - I have an exam on the 15th January and although I'm super organised with my revision timetable, I really don't understand all the complicated equations.  Still haveing to refer to the instructions each time I use my scientific calculator has got to be a bad thing.

3. My bank balance - I completed my Christmas shopping yesterday so I am quietly smug about that, while also being left somewhat financially challenged.  Luckily I have my clubcard vouchers to buy lots of Chritsmassy treats from Tesco otherwise it might be spaghetti hoops on toast on Christmas day!

4. Time for scrapping - Sadly, all the scrapping stuff in the dining rooms has been piled onto the piano to make way for tedious text books and revision cards.  I hope to get a bit in before Christmas, but am finding it very frustrating.
---------------Pictorial Interlude---------------


Things I Want to Decrease:

5. How much I weigh - This is the big focus at the moment and I'm bouncing around on my Wii Fit and scribbling in my food diary everytime I even look at a cake for too long so I will look pretty in my bridesmaid dress next September .  Currently, there are 292 days until the wedding and so I have plenty of time but as I plan to have Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and Boxing Day off, I need to get ahead of myself as much as possible.

6. The amount of clutter in my house - Honestly, I cannot understand how other people manage to keep their houses looking so lovely all the time.  I lurch from one mad panic because visitors are coming to another and I wish that I could have a tranquil organised house to come home to everyday.  I need a cleaner, or even better to give up work and stay home being a house wife.  God, I'd love that.  Truly.

7. How quickly time is passing - Isn't it the end of September?  No?  Well early October then? Oh.  Where the bloody hell has all that time gone?  While I'm not going to go on about the inevitable passage of time inching us ever closer to the sweet embrace of the crypt (although you know I REALLY want to), I'm not quite liking how fast things are passing me by and not quite ready for it to be Christmas (apart from the shopping!)


  1. Dear Polly! You are working so hard! I wish you luck with your exam and your other projects. I sympathise with the no crafting problem - have had that too (though now I've got my own room I will have not excuse other than time!).

    I love the picture of the leaves and berries. LOL spaghetti hoops for Christmas!

    And by the way, not that many "other people" that I know do manage to keep their homes nice all the time. I see plenty of mess when I go to visit - and my friends are not all slovenly lazy scruff-bags either! Even my friend D. who is a good housekeeper has messy days... A messy home is a sign that it's lived in.
    So long as the kitchen & bathroom are clean and no-where is totally gross, then I'm sure you're ok, so take heart and give yourself a bit of breathing space while you are studying. Why not rope in the family to help you a bit - after all, they help make the mess, why shouldn't they help to tidy up?

  2. Awww I'm so happy I got you into Twilight... Seriously it's so amazing isn't it?

    I totally understand the lack of scrapbooking time. My college course is taking over my life these days... but then again it's my choice and photography could also be considered a hobby couldn't it?!?!

  3. You've shattered my illusions Polly, are you sure it isn't July!!!!!
    I don't know where you get the impression from that our houses are tidy, you should come and see mine!!
    You sound like you are studying very hard, it must be tough have no crafting time, still I'm sure it'll all be very worth it in the end.
    Love the piccy.
    Have a great weekend.

